Angstrom Advanced ADX-2500 X-Ray Diffraction Instrument
For more information please call Angstrom Advanced at: 781.519.4765
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Angstrom Advanced ADX-2500 X-ray Diffraction Instrument is designed for application in the microstructure measurement, testing and in-depth research investigations. With different accessories and the corresponding control and calculating software, ADX-2500 is a diffraction system according to the practical requirements in many fields.
Angstrom Advanced ADX-2500 X-ray Diffraction Instrument provides the structure analysis of single crystal, polycrystalline and amorphous sample. Angstrom Advanced ADX-2500 is capable of the following: phase qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis (RIR, Internal standard calibration, External standard calibration, Additive criterion), pattern indexing, unit cell determination and refinement, crystallite size and strain determination, profile fitting and structure refinement, residual stress determination, texture analysis (ODF expresses three-dimensional pole figure), crystallinity estimate from peak areas, thin film analysis and others. |
General diffraction data processing:
automatic peak search, manual peak search, integral intensity, separation of
Kα1, α2, background remove, pattern smoothing and magnifying, multiple plot,
three-dimensional plot and simulation of XRD pattern.