Angstrom ADX-8000 mini θ-θ Powder X-ray Diffraction Instrument is a table top multi-function diffractometer with exceptional analysis speed, reliability and reproducibility. The ADX8000 has been uniquely designed for the challenges of modern materials research, where the lifetime of a diffractometer is considerably longer than the horizon of any research project. Components are top of the line and provide for a powerful system. The ADX8000 has capability for powders, liquid, thin film, nano materials and many other different materials. The ADX8000 can be used for many different applications – Academic, Pharmaceuticals, Chemical & Petrochemical, Materials Research, Thin Film Meteorology, Nano technology, Food & Cosmetics, Forensics, Mining & Minerals, Metals, Plastics & Polymers, etc.
Our instruments and plants have been delivered to many renowned organizations.
Rated output power 600W, 1200WX-ray Generator Control mode 1kV/step, 1mA/step controlled by PC
Technique ParametersADX–8000–ray X Mini Powder θ–θ instrumento de difracción es una mesa difractómetro multifunción con velocidad de análisis excepcional, fiabilidad y reproducibilidad. El ADX8000 ha sido diseñado exclusivamente para los retos de la investigación de materiales modernos, donde el tiempo de vida de un difractómetro es considerablemente más largo que el horizonte de cualquierproyecto de investigación. Los componentes son parte superior de la línea y establecen un sistema de gran alcance. El ADX8000 tienecapacidad para polvos, líquido, película delgada, materiales nano y muchos otros materiales diferentes. El ADX8000 se puede utilizarpara muchas aplicaciones diferentes – Académico, Farmacia, Química y Petroquímica, la investigación de materiales, Thin FilmMeteorología, tecnología Nano, Alimentación y Cosmética, Medicina Forense, Minería y Minerales, Metales, plásticos y polímeros, etc
Technique ParametersADX–8000–ray X Mini Powder θ–θ instrumento de difracción es una mesa difractómetro multifunción con velocidad de análisis excepcional, fiabilidad y reproducibilidad. El ADX8000 ha sido diseñado exclusivamente para los retos de la investigación de materiales modernos, donde el tiempo de vida de un difractómetro es considerablemente más largo que el horizonte de cualquierproyecto de investigación. Los componentes son parte superior de la línea y establecen un sistema de gran alcance. El ADX8000 tienecapacidad para polvos, líquido, película delgada, materiales nano y muchos otros materiales diferentes. El ADX8000 se puede utilizarpara muchas aplicaciones diferentes – Académico, Farmacia, Química y Petroquímica, la investigación de materiales, Thin FilmMeteorología, tecnología Nano, Alimentación y Cosmética, Medicina Forense, Minería y Minerales, Metales, plásticos y polímeros, etc
Tube voltage 40 kV continuously adjustable
Tube current 13-30mA continuously adjustable
X-ray tube Cu (2.4KW)
Focus dimension: 1×10 mm2
LFF Ceramic or Glass
Stability ≤ 0.001% mains fluctuation
Goniometer Goniometer θ – θ
Diffraction circle semi-diameter 150mm
Scan range of θ -3° to +150°
Continuous scanning speed 0.0012°/min to 70°/min
Setting speed of angle 1500°/min
Scan mode θ-θ or θ, θ; Continuous or step scanning
One way repeatability of θ ≤ 0.0001°
precision of θd or θs ≤0.0001°
Minimal stepping angle 0.0001°
Filter Ni
Slits Divergence slit, Scattering slit, receiving slit
Tube current 13-30mA continuously adjustable
X-ray tube Cu (2.4KW)
Focus dimension: 1×10 mm2
LFF Ceramic or Glass
Stability ≤ 0.001% mains fluctuation
Goniometer Goniometer θ – θ
Diffraction circle semi-diameter 150mm
Scan range of θ -3° to +150°
Continuous scanning speed 0.0012°/min to 70°/min
Setting speed of angle 1500°/min
Scan mode θ-θ or θ, θ; Continuous or step scanning
One way repeatability of θ ≤ 0.0001°
precision of θd or θs ≤0.0001°
Minimal stepping angle 0.0001°
Filter Ni
Slits Divergence slit, Scattering slit, receiving slit
Record Unit Counter Point Counter or Scintillating Counter
Maximal CPS 5×105 CPS, 5x107CPS
Proportion counter energy spectrum resolution ≤ 25%(Cu, Ka)
Detectable high voltage 1500-2100 continuous tune
High voltage of the counter differential or integral, automatic PHA, dead time emendation
System detector stability ≤ 0.01%
Sample stage Z Adjustable
Integrated performance Dispersion dosage ≤ 1μSv/h
Integrated stability of the system ≤ 0.5%
ADX-DWZ Micro Structure Micro Structure analysis, +/-0.5nm
MicroDiffraction Micro sample or area, 2nm-19 um
Instrument Dimensions 24X16X26In
Maximal CPS 5×105 CPS, 5x107CPS
Proportion counter energy spectrum resolution ≤ 25%(Cu, Ka)
Detectable high voltage 1500-2100 continuous tune
High voltage of the counter differential or integral, automatic PHA, dead time emendation
System detector stability ≤ 0.01%
Sample stage Z Adjustable
Integrated performance Dispersion dosage ≤ 1μSv/h
Integrated stability of the system ≤ 0.5%
ADX-DWZ Micro Structure Micro Structure analysis, +/-0.5nm
MicroDiffraction Micro sample or area, 2nm-19 um
Instrument Dimensions 24X16X26In
Data Processing Software
General diffraction data processing: automatic peak search, manual peak search, integral intensity, separation of Kα1,α2, background remove, lattice parameter, volumes and atomic position, phase analysis, crystallographic strain, pattern smoothing and magnifying, multiple plot, three-dimensional plot and simulation of XRD pattern et al.
Qualitative Analysis
The data processing software has the search and match function on the base of whole profile and diffraction angle. The whole profile matching procedure employs the designed mode to do the qualitative analysis by reducing the search range from major, minor, to micro phase without indicating the diffraction angle. The diffraction angle matching procedure is based on the peaks position and intensity and usually used for the qualitative analysis of the data with large angle error.
Quantitative Analysis
After the phase composition is determined, the content of each phase could be calculated with the help of RIR or/and the Rietveld refinement (Quantitative Analysis without criterion)
Phase identification, structure & microstructure analysis, thin film analysis, stress investigation, texture analysis are all available
c instruments and Hydrogen & Nitrogen plants for academic and industrial fields Angstrom Advanced goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing.
General diffraction data processing: automatic peak search, manual peak search, integral intensity, separation of Kα1,α2, background remove, lattice parameter, volumes and atomic position, phase analysis, crystallographic strain, pattern smoothing and magnifying, multiple plot, three-dimensional plot and simulation of XRD pattern et al.
Qualitative Analysis
The data processing software has the search and match function on the base of whole profile and diffraction angle. The whole profile matching procedure employs the designed mode to do the qualitative analysis by reducing the search range from major, minor, to micro phase without indicating the diffraction angle. The diffraction angle matching procedure is based on the peaks position and intensity and usually used for the qualitative analysis of the data with large angle error.
Quantitative Analysis
After the phase composition is determined, the content of each phase could be calculated with the help of RIR or/and the Rietveld refinement (Quantitative Analysis without criterion)
Phase identification, structure & microstructure analysis, thin film analysis, stress investigation, texture analysis are all available
c instruments and Hydrogen & Nitrogen plants for academic and industrial fields Angstrom Advanced goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing.
Our instruments and plants have been delivered to many renowned organizations.

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