Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Angstrom Advanced Binary High Pressure Gradient System

Angstrom Advanced Binary High Pressure Gradient System


This system is very helpful for complex compounds analysis using in HPG mode. The product features a large LCD screen display, gradient over 1000 can be programmed easily. All parts connected with mobile phase can be changed by PEEK or Titanium material to meet the compatibility of Biochemical field as well as semi-preparative usage! The excellent gradient accuracy and precision ensure the best analysis reproducibility.


#Parts DescriptionQuantity
1P3000 HPLC pump with 10ml pump head SS *11
2UV3000 UV-VIS Spectral photometer with analytical flow cell *21
3Rheodyne manual injection valve (20μl sample loop)*31
4CXTH-3000 Chromatography workstation1
5Test column C18, 250×Φ4.6, 10μm1
6Start-up kit, analytical1
7Solvent tray1
8Accessories required *41

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