Friday, October 7, 2016

Angstrom Advanced Expandable Isocratic Analytical HPLC System

Angstrom Advanced Expandable Isocratic Analytical HPLC System


This is a complete isocratic stand-alone system with a high pressure solvent delivery pump, an UV/VIS detector, a manual injection valve, a solvent tray, a column and a chromatography workstation. This system by Angstrom Advanced enables you to choose different pump heads to choose between analytical application to Semi-preparative application. Due to the internal HPG design, it is very convenient to expand this system up to quaternary high pressure gradient by add additional uniform pumps!


#Parts DescriptionQuantity
1P3000 HPLC pump with 10ml pump head SS *11
2UV3000 UV-VIS Spectral photometer with analytical flow cell *21
3Rheodyne manual injection valve (20μl sample loop *3)1
4CXTH-3000 Chromatography workstation1
5Test column C18, 250×4.6, 10μm1
6Start-up kit, analytical1
7Solvent tray1
8Accessories required *41

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